5 Reasons Why Local Seo Is Very Important For Businesses During This Pandemic

SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

With the COVID-19 pandemic affecting almost every aspect of our lives and the global economy reeling from the impact of the virus today, businesses are changing strategies to cope with these challenging times. As the use of the internet continues to rise and people are facing lockdowns in most parts of the world, businesses need to be more visible in the local search which certainly makes Local SEO more important than it has ever been. Let’s have a look at the top 5 reasons why local SEO has become more relevant in these times of crisis.

Local search engine optimization (local SEO) is similar to (national) SEO in that it is also a process affecting the visibility of a website or a web page in a web search engine’s unpaid results (SERP- search engine results page) often referred to as “natural”, “organic”, or “earned” results. In general, the higher ranked on the search results page and more frequently a site appears in the search results list, the more visitors it will receive from the search engine’s users; these visitors can then be converted into customers. Local SEO, however, differs in that it is focused on optimizing a business’ online presence so that its web pages will be displayed by search engines when users enter local searches for its products or services. Ranking for local search involves a similar process to general SEO but includes some specific elements to rank a business for local search.

For example, local SEO is all about ‘optimizing‘ your online presence to attract more business from relevant local searches. The majority of these searches take place on Google, Yahoo, Bing and other search engines but for better optimization in your local area you should also use sites like Yelp, Angie’s List, LinkedIn, Local business directories, social media channels and others.

– https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Local_search_engine_optimisation

Almost 80% Consumers Searching For Local Information With people restricted to their homes, everyone is taking to the internet to find anything they need and order it online. Almost 80% of consumers today are using search engines for finding local information. So, if you haven’t optimized your business website for local search results, you’re missing out on most of your potential customers.

Local search has been on the uptrend over the last few years and the importance of local Palm Desert SEO has continuously been on the rise. It has just accelerated during this COVID-19 pandemic and made local SEO ever more relevant. Given the work-from-home and social distancing guidelines, people don’t have many options but to locally find the goods and services they need.

Increased Visibility Needed For “Open Now” or “Near Me” Searches

Of course, lots of closings and movement restrictions have made SEO in Palm Desert very crucial. The biggest competition businesses are facing today is for “Open Now” or “Near Me” searches. Even if you are not providing services now, you must still optimize for such keywords to get found in the SERPs for local search results. This will allow you to direct your audiences to any of your online services or maybe provide them some important information like reopening dates. Of course, you have to reopen at some point in time and you should keep your customers aware of that to grab instant gains when the time comes.

It’s High Time To Sign Up For Google My Business

Google has been the search leader for decades now and Google My Businesses has been its revolutionary product for boosting local SEO. So, if you haven’t yet registered your business in GMB, you should do it during the pandemic. As everyone is hesitant to leave their home, and they’re searching for credible businesses online for everything they need. So, listing your business on Google My Business gives you an added advantage to rock the local search results. You become more credible, and both the search engine and your potential customers will trust you more. It will help your business even when the pandemic is over.

People Want To Support SMBs More

There’s a #supportsmallbusiness movement happening everywhere in the US communities and people are preferring local businesses over those major brands. So, by doing SEO Palm Desert, you are giving yourself a chance to connect with people in search of local businesses they can support during these hard times.

Stay Ahead Of Your Competition

Local SEO is important because you have to beat your competition, not just in the pandemic but after that as well. Google is not going anywhere in 2021 or even beyond and local search will be an increasing trend in times to come as well. So, you do not need to stop your SEO efforts at all just because of the economic slowdown. Keep track of any algorithm updates from Google and continue local SEO to stay ahead of your competition.

Keep doing SEO in Palm Desert and you’ll be able to keep your business afloat even in these tough times. Your local SEO efforts will even payoff once the pandemic is over. Please visit here for more details: https://seovendor.co/seo/palm-desert

Article Source: https://www.123articleonline.com/articles/1192312/5-reasons-why-local-seo-is-very-important-for-businesses-during-this-pandemic