Entrepreneurs seek reopening of Muay Thai stadiums for spectators

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Representatives of boxing entrepreneurs led by Natthadet Wachirarattanawong, director of Phet Yindee Academy Boxing Gym, gathered in front of the Ministry of Tourism and Sports in Bangkok on Monday (August 31), to urge the ministry to consider allowing spectators in Thai boxing, or Muay Thai, stadiums.

“Other sports have been allowed to organise events with spectators in the stadiums, but not Muay Thai, since the government started easing lockdown measures due to Covid-19,” he said.

“Muay Thai stadiums have remained shut from March until now. Boxing matches are only allowed in a closed stadium with TV broadcasting, but we need spectator participation to restore the original atmosphere of boxing matches.”

Natthadet added that boxing entrepreneurs would be happy to follow any rules that the government would stipulate to prevent outbreak in the stadiums.

Khemaphol Uitayakul, secretary to the Minister of Tourism and Sports, accepted an appeal letter from the representatives at Rajdamnoen Nok Avenue and promised to provide updates within next week.
