Ex-senator seeks probe by audit office into AOT, fearing losses for the state

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Former senator Ruangkrai Leekitwattana wants the State Audit Office to scrutinise if the performance of Airports of Thailand (AOT) was costing the government billions of baht after changes in contracts with the private sector.

AOT reported an adjustment in contracts to the Stock Exchange of Thailand, and that is expected to hurt AOT, including the share value and dividend.

The Ministry of Finance is the major shareholder with 10 billion shares, making up a 70 per cent stake. AOT’s shares closed at Bt56.75 per share on August 28. If AOT’s value drops by even Bt1 per share, the loss for the ministry in market valuation will be Bt10 billion.

Ruangkrai said the report to the stock exchange was evidence that AOT had caused damage to the Ministry of Finance and the Social Security Office, which also held 164 million shares and was likely to face the same consequence.
